Healthy Communication
I want to share a personal story that taught me an important lesson about healthy communication in relationships. I found myself in a situation where I needed to navigate a conversation with my wife about something I wanted to do. Initially, I felt conflicted, unsure how to bring it up without seeming selfish or inconsiderate. But as we talked, I was a reminded of how important balanced, thoughtful communication is in building a strong and supportive relationship.
The Illusion of Insanity: A Sober Reflection
Is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results insane? What if the IFS model can help us understand repeating patterns? What if, rather than trying to change by brute force, a more compassionate and curious approach were taken?
Thoughts about Thoughts
Are you thinking your thoughts or are they thinking you? By bringing conscious awareness to your thoughts and applying the Internal Family Systems model to what you notice, you can trust your unconscious thoughts to serve you.
The Benefits and Costs of Complaint
Through a process of honest examination, when a complaint and its hidden payoffs are exposed, we can see what we were previously blind to. What has been unconscious becomes conscious. But is this enough to end the suffering that produces the complaint?
What Are You Hanging On To?
What if letting go of hurt and resentment was a process similar to letting go of an old pair of shoes? Admittedly, it’s not so simple. But some of the same principles can be applied.
My “Not Your Typical Leadership Coaching” podcast host Martin Kettelhut and I meet each week to record our conversations about a variety of topics related to life coaching and leadership. When we first decided to do a podcast together, we made a long list of topics we could discuss. But what usually informs the focus for each episode are the conversations we are having that week with our coaching clients.
Constellations are teams of parts that are organized around a shame-based belief formed at some time in the unresolved past. Until that belief is seen as untrue, the pain that the belief causes will continue. Protectors will continue to protect, and exiled parts will continue to be exiled. In this video, I use a whiteboard and Post-it notes to illustrate an example of a constellation of parts.
Intentions, Actions, and Choice
As a student, teacher, and coach, I study the influence of the unconscious. Using various models and methods including the Internal Family Systems model, I have learned how to use my conscious brain to explore the influence of parts of myself that usually operate undetected in my unconscious.