The Self in IFS can be a difficult concept to grasp. Maybe that’s because we’ve been getting it all wrong. What if there is no separate Self? Rather, Self is within each part, just waiting to be manifested as Self-energy.
My Message to 12-steppers
Thanks to the support I received over the years from countless 12-step members from my first AA sponsor Randy E. to my last one, Bryan L., I recognized my need to stop drinking, start getting honest with myself, begin to think of others, clean up my past, and develop a relationship with a Higher Power. I will be forever grateful for the love and support of the AA fellowship which made it possible for me to remain sober since November 15, 1982.
How I use the IFS model for completion
I don’t feel complete until I feel resolved, finished, reconnected, clear, satisfied, or free. I feel complete when my questions are answered, when I feel fully reassured, or when I am no longer upset. I can also feel complete when I recognize that the push for completion requires more energy and effort than I am willing to exert. I can feel complete once I’ve decided I’ve done as much as I am willing to do to feel resolved.
Boundary Setting
Coaching is more than just problem solving. By looking a little deeper than the presenting problem, deeper problems can be illumnated and resolved. Often boundaries are used to manage a challenge. But what if you could just resolve it once and for all?
IFS and The Work of Byron Katie
Byron Katie helped me wake up. IFS helped me heal, grow, and expand.
Trauma Echoes and Recovery
It’s not just childhood abue and trauma that causes life-long wounds and survival strategies. The IFS model helps heal and update the wounds so we an show up as confident and content adults.
Self-Love, The Fourth Project
There is a belief that is at the core of many failing relationships. If this belief can be changed, the relationship could be transformed.
Solving the Nice Girl Problem
Nice Guys give to get, a codependent strategey for getting needs met. Nice Girls do it too but in their own ways. Gosha Jacewicz wrote this article of her version of the Nice Girl problem.
What is IFS?
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a groundbreaking therapeutic approach that has transformed countless lives. Rooted in the belief that our psyche is composed of multiple subpersonalities, IFS offers a unique lens to view and understand our inner world.
Managing Capacity and Overwhelm
We perceive the events and circumstances of our lives through a lens which is shaped by our beliefs. Beliefs that accurately reflect reality help us maintain ample capacity for processing what life serves up while remaining mentally and emotionally balanced. Beliefs that don’t align with reality reduce our capacity to process the events and circumstances of our lives. When our beliefs don’t align with current reality, we easily become overwhelmed. Our bucket easily and often spills over.
Using IFS to Enhance Recovery
It’s time to redefine recovery. Discover how Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy can transform your healing journey. Start your path to inner harmony and healing with IFS today!
Mr. Nice Guy and the Angry Fifteen-Year-Old
What’s wrong with being a nice guy? Nothing in and of itself. But when being a nice guy (or girl) is a strategy to accomplish a hidden agenda, there’s a problem.