Bill Tierney Bill Tierney

Healthy Communication

I want to share a personal story that taught me an important lesson about healthy communication in relationships. I found myself in a situation where I needed to navigate a conversation with my wife about something I wanted to do. Initially, I felt conflicted, unsure how to bring it up without seeming selfish or inconsiderate. But as we talked, I was a reminded of how important balanced, thoughtful communication is in building a strong and supportive relationship.

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Bill Tierney Bill Tierney

The Illusion of Insanity: A Sober Reflection

Is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results insane? What if the IFS model can help us understand repeating patterns? What if, rather than trying to change by brute force, a more compassionate and curious approach were taken?

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Bill Tierney Bill Tierney

Relational Self Discovery

Adaptive strategies helped us survive earlier challenges but are now maladaptive when what we want is true connection in our relationships. What maladaptive strategies create disconnection instead?

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Bill Tierney Bill Tierney

Insights From a One-Butt Kitchen

Shortly after my wife and I moved in together, we hadn’t learned yet how to navigate our small kitchen without getting in each other's way. For example, I would grab something from the refrigerator and turn toward the counter but have to stop my momentum to avoid running into her.

Or the reverse would happen and I would get in her way. I felt an inner irritation when this happened and blamed it on the size of the kitchen, referring to it as our ‘one-butt kitchen.’

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Aryanne Lombres Aryanne Lombres

Managers and Firefighters

In the Internal Family Systems model, we refer to our subpersonalities as “parts.” There are two categories of parts: Exiles and Protectors. Exiled parts are hidden away and are managed and protected by Protector parts. There are two kinds of Protectors: Managers and Firefighters.

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Aryanne Lombres Aryanne Lombres


Constellations are teams of parts that are organized around a shame-based belief formed at some time in the unresolved past. Until that belief is seen as untrue, the pain that the belief causes will continue. Protectors will continue to protect, and exiled parts will continue to be exiled. In this video, I use a whiteboard and Post-it notes to illustrate an example of a constellation of parts.

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Bill Tierney Bill Tierney

IFS and Surrender

Michael Singer surrenders by relaxing and releasing. This article describes how to use the IFS model to surrender.

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Bill Tierney Bill Tierney

When Nice is an Act

Recognizing and acknowledging codependent tendencies is the first step in finding our way back to authentic connection and healthy interdependence.

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