True Self, True Purpose, and True Path
Photo by Tobi on Pexels: Person on brown pathway.
When someone finds my website and takes an action such as completing the Life Satisfaction Survey, signing up for free practice sessions, signing up for a workshop, downloading a resource, or scheduling a free 30-minute discovery conversation, I get excited because I know how it feels to be ready for the next level of learning, healing, and growing.
I’ve been on a personal development path for over 40 years that has introduced me to some great and not so great, resources.
For example, after I discovered The Work of Byron Katie over 20 years ago, my life changed dramatically. The timing was perfect for me to learn what she had to teach me. That could be summed up in something she said a lot – “Any time I argue with reality, I suffer.”
Her method showed me how to 1) Notice my suffering, 2) Find the thoughts that argued with reality, and 3) question those thoughts so I could stop suffering.
This has been my colder/warmer/hotter process of learning and growing.
Someone recommends a book. I get it and read a few pages and then put it away when I realize it is covering the same old stuff I’ve grown past or that it simply doesn’t resonate: colder.
Someone tells me about a podcast. I listen and don’t want it to end. The episode stimulates ideas that sprout inside and inspire me to learn more: hotter.
A workshop comes across my social media feed offering a training that I’m interested. I take the training and learn a lot but it’s not quite what I’m after: warmer.
I believe we all have an inner guidance system built right in. By developing a sensitivity to what feels colder, warmer, and hotter, I learn how to follow my inner guidance and become increasingly aligned to my true self, my true purpose, and my true path.
That, I believe, is how the Internal Family Systems model became my primary focus as a Results Coach. After four IFS sessions in 2016, I could see the potential for the therapy model in coaching.
Since becoming a Certified IFS Practitioner in 2021, I have helped hundreds of people learn how to use IFS to remove obstacles to the lives they want.