Codependency, Addiction, and IFS
What is codependency? Is codependency an addiction? How do you recover from codependency?
In this article, I hold two of my marrriages up as examples of codependency and one marriage as an example of recovery.
Maladaptive Relationship Tendencies
Adaptive strategies helped us survive earlier challenges but are now maladaptive when what we want is true connection in our relationships. What maladaptive strategies create disconnection instead?
Insights From a One-Butt Kitchen
Shortly after my wife and I moved in together, we hadn’t learned yet how to navigate our small kitchen without getting in each other's way. For example, I would grab something from the refrigerator and turn toward the counter but have to stop my momentum to avoid running into her.
Or the reverse would happen and I would get in her way. I felt an inner irritation when this happened and blamed it on the size of the kitchen, referring to it as our ‘one-butt kitchen.’
Self-Love, The Fourth Project
There is a belief that is at the core of many failing relationships. If this belief can be changed, the relationship could be transformed.
If I’m a Nice Guy, I’ll Get Love, Approval, and Appreciation
The Nice Guy Syndrome starts in childhood as we observe the relationships of adults around us. It’s a maladaptive set of charactaristics and traits employed often by men who are trying not to be like their abusive fathers.