Understanding Healthy Boundaries
Healthy boundaries are not as much about other people as they are about you. A healthy boundary is a recognition of your level of comfort and your capacity to respond in a way that reflects current reality rather than reacting to something that reminds you of the painful or scary past.
The Art of Capacity Management
With awareness of what drains or restores capacity, you gain access to the clarity needed to choose wisely what you give your attention and energy to. More awareness means more clarity. More clarity leads to better choices. When it comes to capacity and overwhelm, making better choices means having enough capacity to respond when unexpected challenges or opportunities present themselves.
Managing Capacity and Overwhelm
We perceive the events and circumstances of our lives through a lens which is shaped by our beliefs. Beliefs that accurately reflect reality help us maintain ample capacity for processing what life serves up while remaining mentally and emotionally balanced. Beliefs that don’t align with reality reduce our capacity to process the events and circumstances of our lives. When our beliefs don’t align with current reality, we easily become overwhelmed. Our bucket easily and often spills over.
Mediating Internal Conflict
Internal conflict can create dysfuncition and lack of clarity. It can make it difficult to make good decisions. What if you had a quick and reliable way to resolve inner conflict?
Using IFS to Enhance Recovery
It’s time to redefine recovery. Discover how Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy can transform your healing journey. Start your path to inner harmony and healing with IFS today!
Using IFS to help my clients get results
Bill Tierney Coaching, Spokane, Washington, Results Coaching for individuals and businesses.
Mr. Nice Guy and the Angry Fifteen-Year-Old
What’s wrong with being a nice guy? Nothing in and of itself. But when being a nice guy (or girl) is a strategy to accomplish a hidden agenda, there’s a problem.
Changing Frank using IFS
Trying to change can be so frustrating and defeating. Having the life you want doesn’t have to be so hard.
Only Do What You Want to Do
How much of your life is a compromise? What if you could stop compromising and only do what you wanted to do?
How Satisfied are you in Life?
How satisfied are you in these four categories of life? Career, Relationships, Well-Being, and Fun and Joy.
Changing the Cycle
What is preventing you from already having the result you desire? You may have some working theories about this that point to circumstances and conditions out of your control. Or maybe you have decided that you just aren’t the kind of person that can have the kind of life you want.
The reason you don’t already have the result you desire is that you are locked into a cycle that makes it impossible to have that result.
The IFS Difference in Coaching
Why I use the IFS Therapy Model in my life coaching practice and how it empowers my clients to take action and get results in their lives when other coaching methods failed.
IFS Therapy or IFS Coaching, which is best for me?
Life coaching or therapy? What’s the difference and how do you know which to choose. Here are some questions to ask yourself and a therapist or coach when making your choice.