A Sermon on the Ground
In a recent coaching session, one of my clients discovered a little girl inside who often found herself suffering through hours of church sermons while daydreaming about playing outside in the sun or rain.
On a whim, I asked her to do some homework and she agreed without knowing what it would be.
“What if,” I asked, “you could write your own sermon? What would you have to say?”
What Are You Hanging On To?
What if letting go of hurt and resentment was a process similar to letting go of an old pair of shoes? Admittedly, it’s not so simple. But some of the same principles can be applied.
Managers and Firefighters
In the Internal Family Systems model, we refer to our subpersonalities as “parts.” There are two categories of parts: Exiles and Protectors. Exiled parts are hidden away and are managed and protected by Protector parts. There are two kinds of Protectors: Managers and Firefighters.
My “Not Your Typical Leadership Coaching” podcast host Martin Kettelhut and I meet each week to record our conversations about a variety of topics related to life coaching and leadership. When we first decided to do a podcast together, we made a long list of topics we could discuss. But what usually informs the focus for each episode are the conversations we are having that week with our coaching clients.
Constellations are teams of parts that are organized around a shame-based belief formed at some time in the unresolved past. Until that belief is seen as untrue, the pain that the belief causes will continue. Protectors will continue to protect, and exiled parts will continue to be exiled. In this video, I use a whiteboard and Post-it notes to illustrate an example of a constellation of parts.
You Make Me Feel
A common and destructive core belief is that circumstances and other people are responsible for how we feel. This same belief when applied in reverse makes us responsible for how others feel. We know a belief isn’t true when it causes us to suffer. In this short video, I talk about how this belief is at the core of codependent relationships and what to do to change the belief.
Intentions, Actions, and Choice
As a student, teacher, and coach, I study the influence of the unconscious. Using various models and methods including the Internal Family Systems model, I have learned how to use my conscious brain to explore the influence of parts of myself that usually operate undetected in my unconscious.
The Personal Development Continuum
Where are you on the personal development continuum? Do you have a fixed or growth mindset? What will support you best? Therapy or Coaching?
Boundary Setting
Coaching is more than just problem solving. By looking a little deeper than the presenting problem, deeper problems can be illumnated and resolved. Often boundaries are used to manage a challenge. But what if you could just resolve it once and for all?
IFS and The Work of Byron Katie
Byron Katie helped me wake up. IFS helped me heal, grow, and expand.
True Self, True Purpose, and True Path
What stands in the way of finding your true self, your true purpose, and your true path?
IFS Coaching: What is IFS and How Is It Used In Life Coaching?
I was first introduced to Internal Family Systems (IFS) by my therapist in 2016. I was having a crisis of confidence after completing a one-year coach training program and thought a few therapy sessions might help.
Guided Unblending Meditative Exercise
This meditation guides you through an unblending process, helping you notice and observe the influences of different parts within you, such as your breath, energy, thoughts, emotions, impulses, and actions. By doing so, you can build trust between your authentic Self and your parts, allowing for a more balanced response to challenging situations.
Under the Influence and Impact
When I am getting to know a part or working with a client who is getting to know a part of themselves, I usually start with what is already known about the part. What happens when under the influence of (blended with) this part? In this video I talk about how helpful this is, especially when asking about the impact of the blending.
Trauma Echoes and Recovery
It’s not just childhood abue and trauma that causes life-long wounds and survival strategies. The IFS model helps heal and update the wounds so we an show up as confident and content adults.
Self-Love, The Fourth Project
There is a belief that is at the core of many failing relationships. If this belief can be changed, the relationship could be transformed.
Solving the Nice Girl Problem
Nice Guys give to get, a codependent strategey for getting needs met. Nice Girls do it too but in their own ways. Gosha Jacewicz wrote this article of her version of the Nice Girl problem.
IFS and Surrender
Michael Singer surrenders by relaxing and releasing. This article describes how to use the IFS model to surrender.
A Two-fold Path to Confidence
How is confidence derived? What does it take to have it when you need it? Once you have it, how do you keep it? As a younger man, I often noticed others who exuded confidence. I wanted what they had but had no idea how to get it. They seemed to be sure of themselves and expressed their confidence in the way they dressed, the tone and tempo of their voices, the language they used and their mastery of the storytelling.
When Nice is an Act
Recognizing and acknowledging codependent tendencies is the first step in finding our way back to authentic connection and healthy interdependence.